domingo, 29 de julio de 2007


"Menuda, de pecho generoso, con unos cabellos pelirrojos que descendían en abundantes bucles por los lados del rostro, iba ataviada con un ceñido vestido verde que resaltaba aún más las sensuales formas de caderas y busto. Con Reynard se mostraba desdeñosa y algo fría, pues le disgustaba"

Perdon por la larga pausa, el escultor de gárgolas ( o de gorgonzola, depende), golpea con su cincel de nuevo.

"She was small and buxom, with reddish-gold hair that curled luxuriantly above the short, delicious oval of her face; and she was gowned in a tight-fitting dress of apple-green that revealed the firm, seductive outlines of her hips and bosom. Her air was disdainful and a little cold, for she did not like Reynard and had taken small pains at any time to conceal her aversion."

Sorry for the long pause, the Gargoyle maker (or Gorgonzola, depends), strikes again with his chisel.